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Publications 2021
Articles in peer reviewed Journals in 2021
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Q. Dai, H. Li, G. Sini, and J.-L. Bredas, Evolution of the Nature of Excitons and ElectronicCouplings in Hybrid 2D Perovskites as a Function of Organic Cation π-Conjugation, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2021, 202108662,
Fannir, A., Plesse, C., Nguyen, G. T. M., & Vidal, F. (2021). "Electro-interpenetration as tool for high strain trilayer conducting polymer actuator". Smart Materials and Structures, 30(2), 025041. doi: 10.1088/161-665X/abd83c
Kätlin Rohtlaid, Giao T. M. Nguyen, Saeedeh Ebrahimi‐Takalloo, Tan Ngoc Nguyen, John D. W. Madden, Frédéric Vidal, Cédric Plesse, "Asymmetric PEDOTPSS Trilayers as Actuating and Sensing Linear Artificial Muscles", Adv. Mater. Technol. 2021, 2001063. doi: 10.1002/admt.202001063
Andreia S.L.Gouveia, Edwin Bumenn, Kätlin Rohtlaid, Alexandre Michaud, Tiago M.Vieira, Vítor D.Alves, Liliana C.Tomé, CédricPlesse, Isabel M.Marrucho, "Ionic liquid-based semi-interpenetrating polymer network (sIPN) membranes for CO2 separation, Separation and Purification Technology", 2021, 118437. doi: 10.1016/j.seppur.2021.118437
G. Rezanejade Bardajee, M. Sharifia, H. Torkamania, C. Vancaeyzeele. “Synthesis of magnetic multi walled carbon nanotubes hydrogel nanocomposite based on poly (acrylic acid) grafted onto salep and its application in the drug delivery of Tetracyceline hydrochloride” Colloids Surf. A 616 (2021) 126350 doi: org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.126350
C. -J. Peng et al., "Toward an Electroactive Polymer-Based Soft Microgripper," in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 32188-32195, 2021, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3059926.
C. Pigot, G. Noirbent, T.-T. Bui, S. Péralta, S. Duval, D. Gigmes, M. Nechab, F. Dumur. "Synthesis, optical and electrochemical properties of a series of push-pull dyes based on the 4-(9-ethyl-9H-carbazol-3-yl)-4-phenylbuta-1,3-dienyl donor." New J. Chem. 2021, 45, 5808 – 5821. doi: 10.1039/D1NJ00275A
A.-S. Vaillard, A. El Haitami, P. Fontaine, F. Cousin, P. Gutfreund, M. Goldmann, S. Cantin, "Surface Pressure-Induced Inter-diffused Structure Evidenced by Neutron Reflectometry in Cellulose Acetate /Polybutadiene Langmuir films", Langmuir 2021, 37, 18, 5717–5730. doi: 10.1021/acs.langmuir.1c00745
G. Noirbent, C. Pigot, T.-T. Bui, S. Péralta, M. Nechab, D.Gigmes, F. Dumur. Dyes with tunable absorption properties from the visible to the near infrared range: 2,4,5,7-tetranitrofluorene (TNF) as a unique electron acceptor. Dyes Pigm. 2021, 189, 109250. doi : 10.1016/j.dyepig.2021.109250
S.-G. Kim, T. H. Le, T. de Monfreid, F. Goubard, T.-T. Bui, N.-G. Park. Capturing Mobile Lithium Ion in Molecular Hole Transporter Enhances Thermal Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells. Adv. Mater. 2021, 33, 2007431. doi : 10.1002/adma.202007431
T. Bahry, Z. Cui, A. Dazzi, M. Gervais, C. Sollogoub, F. Goubard, T.-T. Bui, S. Remita. Radiation-induced polymerization of 3-hexylthiophene in oxygen-free and oxygen-saturated dichloromethane solvent. Radiat. Phys. Chem. 2021, 180, 109291. doi : 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2020.109291
J. Simokaitiene, M. Cekaviciute, K. Baucyte, D. Volyniuk, R. Durgaryan, D. Molina, B. Yang, J. Suo, Y.J. Kim, D. A. da Silva Filho, A. Hagfeldt, G. Sini, J. V. Grazulevicius « Interfacial versus Bulk Properties of Hole-Transporting Materials for Perovskite Solar Cells: Isomeric Triphenylamine-Based Enamines versus Spiro-OMeTAD « ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2021, 13, 18, 21320–21330 , doi : 10.1021/acsami.1c03000
Andruleviciene, V., Leitonas, K., Volyniuk, D., Sini, G., Grazulevicius, J.V., Getautis, V., 2020. TADF versus TTA emission mechanisms in acridan and carbazole-substituted dibenzo[a,c]phenazines: Towards triplet harvesting emitters and hosts. Chemical Engineering Journal 47 (2021) 127902. doi : 10.1016/j.cej.2020.127902
MB Nguyen, DTN Nga, VT Thu, B Piro, T-N. Pham-Truong, PTH Yen, GH Le, T. A. Vu, T.T.H. Vu, Novel nanoscale Yb-MOF used as highly efficient electrode for simultaneous detection of heavy metal ions (2021) Journal of Materials Science, 56, 8172 – 8185 doi : 10.1007/s10853-021-05815-3 A. Adjaoud, G. T M Nguyen, L. Chikh, S. Péralta, L. Trouillet-Fonti, N. Uguen, M.-D. Braida and C. Plesse "Piezoionic sensors based on formulated PEDOTSS and Aquivion® for ionic polymer–polymer composites" Smart Mater. Struct. 30 (2021) 105027 (13pp)
A. Ferrández-Montero, B. Carlier, R. Agniel, J. Leroy-Dudal, C. Vancaeyzeele and C. Plesse, "4D smart porous scaffolds based on the polyHIPE architecture and electroactive PEDOT" J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, Advance Article
E. Dauzon, X. Sallenave, C. Plesse, F. Goubard, A. Amassian, and T. D. Anthopoulos "Pushing the Limits of Flexibility and Stretchability of Solar Cells: A Review" Advanced Materials 2021 2101469
N. Ferrandin-Schoffel, C. Martineau-Corcos, C. Piovesan, S. Paris-Lacombe, O. Fichet, A-L. Dupont, Stability of lignocellulosic papers strengthened and deacidified with aminoalkylalkoxysilanes, Polymer Degradation and Stability, (2021) 183, 109413
A. El Haitami, A-M. Resmerita, O. Fichet, S. Cantin, P-H. Aubert, A. Farcas, "Synthesis, Photophysics and Langmuir Films of Polyfluorene/Permodified Cyclodextrin Polyrotaxanes" Langmuir 2021 37 (38), 11406-11413
S.Xun, H. Li, G. Sini, J-L. Bredas, J. (2021), Impact of imine bond orientations on the geometric and electronic structures of imine-based covalent organic frameworks. Chem. Asian J.
S. Salman, X. Sallenave, A. Bucinskas, D. Volyniuk, O. Bezvikonnyi, V. Andruleviciene, J.V. Grazulevicius, G. Sini, Effect of methoxy-substitutions on the hole transport properties of carbazole-based compounds: pros and cons, J. Mater. Chem. C, 2021, 9, 9941-9951
LE de Sousa, LSR de Paiva, DA da Silva Filho, G Sini, Assessing the effects of increasing conjugation length on exciton diffusion: from small molecules to the polymeric limit, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23 (29), 15635-15644
A. Adjaoud, GTM Nguyen; L. Chikh, S. Peralta, L Trouillet-Fonti, N. Uguen, MD Braida, C. Plesse, Piezoionic sensors based on formulated PEDOT:PSS and Aquivion(R) for ionic polymer-polymer composites Smart Materials and Structure 2021, 2021, 30 (10), 105027
K. Chaihan, T.-T. Bui, F. Goubard, N. Kungwan, Tunable keto emission of 2-(2'-hydroxyphenyl) benzothiazole derivatives with π-expansion, substitution and additional proton transfer site for excited-state proton transfer-based fluorescent probes: Theoretical insights, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A 2021, 419, 113450.
T. Bahry, B. Khurshid, Y. Chouli, S. A. Zeid, C. Sollogoub, M. Gervais, T.-T. Bui, F. Goubard, S. Remita Gamma rays as innovative tool towards synthesizing conducting copolymers with improved properties, New J. Chem. 2021, 45, 13142-13157.
C. Pigot, G. Noirbent, T.-T. Bui, S. Péralta, S. Duval, M. Nechab, D. Gigmes, F. Dumur, Synthesis, optical and electrochemical properties of a series of push-pull dyes based on the 4,4-bis(4-methoxy phenyl)butadienyl donor, Dyes Pigm. 2021, 194, 109552.
D. Magaldi, M. Ulfa, S. Péralta, F. Goubard, T. Pauporté, T.-T. Bui, Carbazole-based material: Synthesis, Characterization and Application as hole transporting material in perovskite solar cells, J. Mater. Sci.: Mater. Electron. 2021, 32, 12856-12861.
G. Noirbent, C. Pigot, T.-T. Bui, S. Peralta, M. Nechab, D. Gigmes, F. Dumur, Synthesis, optical and electrochemical properties of a series of push-pull dyes based on the 2-(3-cyano-4,5,5-trimethylfuran-2(5H)-ylidene)malononitrile (TCF) acceptor, Dyes Pigm. 2021, 184, 108807.
Book Chapiter
K. Rohtlaid, T.M.G Nguyen, C. Soyer, E. Cattan, F. Vidal, C. Plesse Chapter 12 Conducting Polymers as Redox Electroactive Materials for Soft Microelectromechanical Systems Redox Polymers for Energy and Nanomedicine (The Royal Society of Chemistry) (2021) pp 454–87T. Nguyen Pham Truong P. Banet, P.-H. Aubert, Conducting Polymers Nanowires with Carbon Nanotubes or Graphene-Based Nanocomposites for Supercapacitors Applications, in Conjugated Polymer Nanostrucutures for Energy Conversion and Storage Application (Ghodh, Srabanti, Editor). WILEY-VCH GmbH, 3.32, pp 445-497
E. Dauzon, G. Noirbent, C. Vancaeyzeele, T.-T. Bui, F. Dumur, F. Goubard, Chap 9: Nanostructured conjugated polymer for solr cell applications in Conjugated Polymer Nanostructures for Energy Conversion and Storage, S. Ghosh, Wiler-VXH Verlag Gmbh & Co. KGaA, Germany, 297-356, 2021.