Publié le 7 janvier 2021 Mis à jour le 8 janvier 2021

Ultra-light robotic insect

Development of an ultra-light robotic insect that uses its soft artificial muscles to move at 3 cm per second across different types of terrain.

An autonomous untethered fast soft robotic insect driven by low-voltage dielectric elastomer actuators (Thèse de Xiaobin Ji 2015-2019)

Development of a highly integrated small soft robotic insect, DEAnsect, only 4 cm long and weighing less than 1 g, zipping along at 3 cm/s.
DEAnsect is propelled by soft artificial muscles: it can be twisted, bent, squeezed, while retaining its functionality. It is fast and robust, can climb slopes, and even keeps on zipping along after being flattened by a fly swatter.
This work is a collaboration between the EPFL-LMTS (Soft Transducers Laboratory), the EPFL-LAI (Integrated Actuators Laboratory) and the LPPI at the Cergy-Paris Université.
This research was published in 12-2019 in Science Robotics.